all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 8AA 4 0 52.631281 -2.837978
SY5 8AB 2 0 52.631608 -2.837068
SY5 8AD 2 0 52.631958 -2.837046
SY5 8AE 6 1 52.63475 -2.831218
SY5 8AF 2 0 52.634609 -2.832205
SY5 8AG 3 0 52.63559 -2.83113
SY5 8AH 1 0 52.634898 -2.829905
SY5 8AJ 2 0 52.636345 -2.835799
SY5 8AL 7 0 52.646513 -2.828529
SY5 8AN 70 11 52.663108 -2.815269
SY5 8AP 3 0 52.662621 -2.815941
SY5 8AQ 35 0 52.634468 -2.828331
SY5 8AR 3 0 52.664948 -2.822564
SY5 8AS 5 0 52.663609 -2.814658
SY5 8AT 4 0 52.661737 -2.816397
SY5 8AU 5 0 52.66458 -2.813463
SY5 8AW 19 0 52.662662 -2.817819
SY5 8AX 3 0 52.665418 -2.811304
SY5 8AY 2 0 52.665305 -2.810829
SY5 8AZ 2 0 52.669268 -2.80966